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Goddess of Darkness and Fierce Love. Last night she showed up again. To slash through a relationship that needed her fierce love to cut through illusions of the ego and realign both parties to their soul's path.

Thank goodness she is associated deeply with love and not just power. She can hold you after she cuts off the part of you that isn't needed. She will say, "yes, baby, cry it out." Which is important. Sure the big, huge change is "good for your overall, bigger picture self" but the change is literally ripping part of you out. That rip is PAINFUL. But necessary.

I am grateful for the spirit of life that it has the capacity to see things that our individual ego filled mind can't. And do the things that our ego filled hearts can't find the strength to do. What a dynamic place we live in.

I just wanted to come and share the power I felt last night. The polarity of pain and suffering contrast to the high vision and grace of love that I (thankfully) saw and became attuned to. Maybe I'm not fully attuned but, my sight is set on love and light, my path. I am grateful for my depth of intuition. For with it, I was able to connect to my loving guides that every second reassured me that this was good, and that I was safe and held. I slept surrounded with stuffed animals that represented spiritual love that was being sent my way.

An aspect of this Kali Journey is the allowance of pain. As I said before I have my sight on the light in this situation but when my body remembers the loss, the emotion of sadness and grief strike. It's not in alignment to ignore these emotions that arise. It is right and respectful to our beautiful body vessels to say, hey pain and suffering. You are allowed to be seen and expressed through me. I will be here as a compassionate awareness, witnessing your realness and you pass. I love you.

So the way this looks is doing your regular actions, then painful emotion strikes because of a thought, and taking the time to actually let yourself feel and express that pain to it's fullest. I let out some deep, loud cries of pain yesterday, and this morning. But they came, and with my own self compassion, they left. I know more and to come. And with grace I will sit with them. I hope sharing this you, reader, will allow your emotions. Something a therapist told me, that I didn't know until I was 23 or 24, is that all emotions have a beginning, a middle, and an end.

When we stifle these emotions, they stay stored in our bodies until they are released. When they stay where they don't belong, disease starts to manifest. It all starts with energy and emotion.

Pain is real and can be felt and expressed healthily. If you want me to hold your hand as you feel those deep things, schedule a spiritual counseling session with me on my website. Sending compassion out there.

-Savannah Jo

May 3, 2021

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About Author

My name is Savannah Jo Reeves

Writing is a constant for me. I have my throat center defined, in my human design body graph. This means there is a constant flow of energy for me in communicating. Even more specifically, I communicate to the collective my own understanding of meta-physical and universal concepts as I've come to organize the information in my head. 

I hope you find some use. 

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