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Being Self Expressed - Living My Design

One of my gifts is the ability to make little changes of correction. In design school I thought critique was the easiest and most fun thing to do. To notice what is working and what is not and identify the detail that needs correction. It wasn’t the craftsmanship and labor that brought me the joy, but the critique.

In childhood and post graduation, in my interior design life, this same thing is expressed by meticulously adjusting the decorations, amount of items, placements and everything in a room to create an environment that was pristinely peaceful and beautiful. Since a little girl, my mother would repeat, wow, I would never have thought of moving the furniture around in this way. Nearly everyone who is invited into my home since I’ve had my own home (5 years) has said, “it feels so good in here.” It’s also the vibe of the environment that I master.

This is my design. The eye of the detail and the gift of improvement. Luckily it has never shown up as a sense of OCD for me but when I make these corrections it gives me a sense of fulfillment.

I have my own fashion brand, I curate a brand feeling and with the help of my team the roles and duties get fulfilled. Even in hiring, I use this gift. For example, instead of doing everything painstakingly by myself, I can see what needs to be done where and outsource someone to do it. This is my favorite way to use money.

In my physical body I am the same. Keeping myself healthy and when something is off, I handle it quickly. I hire help in my health and development too. I can see where an improvement is possible and I encourage and put attention towards the most efficient way of achieving.

To me, success is living in alignment with my design. Who I was designed to be. I can figure this out by learning from various energy charts and to pray for the divine design of my life to be fulfilled.

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About Author

My name is Savannah Jo Reeves

Writing is a constant for me. I have my throat center defined, in my human design body graph. This means there is a constant flow of energy for me in communicating. Even more specifically, I communicate to the collective my own understanding of meta-physical and universal concepts as I've come to organize the information in my head. 

I hope you find some use. 

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