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Coming Down & Staying Here

Well, it's been a long time since I've been able to drag myself here to write. I assume as a healer and human, that I go through the seasons of nature in my own body and life, as does the outside world. I would call my last few months the seasons of autumn and winter. Best described as the month of November here in the Midwest.

I think what I've been going through is natural and necessary in life however, it's not the prettiest. I felt empowered after an end to one romantic relationship. I was feeling my happy Sun self for a few months after the end of it. I met someone new and didn't want to get too attached and involved because the joy of being single was so great. Eventually the throws of love took place and I truly fell in love with him.

I feel like the levels of under nurtured emotions are very high in me. Too high for my personal levels of acceptance. These emotions have built up and yet are dull. I use coping activities when uncomfortable emotions peak, almost daily, and have let my life become dirty and gross. There is a lot of physical and energetic sludge surrounding me.

I simultaneously believe two contradicting things will happen. I think it will take a personal decision to change the energies of my life, to make them less disgusting. I also believe that spring will naturally take it's course. That nature will be nature and the next phase of my life will be fruitful and clean.

Have you ever been in this dirty and unclean place, physically or energetically? I can feel the place of will inside me begging to look it in the eye. To take action. To not just surrender to the filth and laziness. To create purity. That word, purity, sings so loudly to me at this moment. So lets pray.

God, we pray to you today, to send forth your Angels of purity. To cleanse our hearts, minds, bodies, and homes, that you reside stronger and we feel you stronger than ever. That we see the cleanliness of your Love everywhere we look. We love you and honor your beauty, peace, and ever-loving essence. Thank you for letting us know you. May the purity that is coming is our life, let us know you better. Amen. Amen.

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About Author

My name is Savannah Jo Reeves

Writing is a constant for me. I have my throat center defined, in my human design body graph. This means there is a constant flow of energy for me in communicating. Even more specifically, I communicate to the collective my own understanding of meta-physical and universal concepts as I've come to organize the information in my head. 

I hope you find some use. 

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