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EFT Tapping Enlightenment

Updated: Apr 11, 2023


Hi guys, today I did a powerful EFT tapping on myself. I normally follow along other other tapping videos and repeat what they say. However, today I learned how to do my own script, and wow. It was good.

What tf is EFT Tapping?

It's using your fingers to tap on your meridian points. Specific places in the body acupressure practitioners use to drain and cleanse your physical body and get the chi moving and flowing. Instead of having blockages in your emotions and physical energy. You tap at specific points and you do an emotional talking session. You think of an issue you don't like and you deeply feel into that emotion while tapping. Then you slowly tell yourself that you are willing to learn how to forgive, accept and even love those parts of you that you previously hated. Next you actually start to feel love for those emotional or real life problems.

My tapping was on a few things. It started with tapping on how I feel when I talk to my dad. As you know the father figure influences your relationship with every man in your life. So you gotta heal and work out those father issues. I tapped and said how I feel like fucking shit when I talk to him in a raw and vulnerable way. When I express my feelings I feel fucking scared and afraid that we will dislike what I say, get angry and yell at me.

In real life, would he do this? Probably not. But yet I have a deep fear of this brutal rejection from him when I want to talk "like a girl" like how I talk to my mom. Freely and without a ton of thought beforehand. In a carefree and high pitch way.

I tapped and said how shitty I feel when I think about telling my feelings to my dad or talking to him like how I talk to my mom. I tapped and felt into how I am afraid my future husband will make me feel the same way. That I won't be able to be vulnerable with him. I tapped on how I hate that part of myself. I wish I would talk to men in a masculine way. That I hated my feminine and youthful voice when I am talking to males.

Love, Accept & Forgive

I moved onto the part where I can be willing to accept this in me. I said, I am willing to like this part of me. I am willing to learn how to accept this part of me. I am willing to forgive myself for all the hate I have towards this part of myself.

It flowed smoothly. I transitioned to I loving that part of my and my voice and saw myself having those conversations with my father. Instead of deep fear and self hatred or embarrassment, I felt fine inside. I just spoke how I wanted to and wasn't so afraid. I held the energy of acceptance and so I didn't radiate out my projection that he was going to react negatively.

It was easy to see the new belief that I tapped into existence. I literally changed what was fear and hatred to acceptance and love for a part of myself. I changed the energy in my body. It felt ecstatic and I am now excited to be vulnerable and love my voice.

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About Author

My name is Savannah Jo Reeves

Writing is a constant for me. I have my throat center defined, in my human design body graph. This means there is a constant flow of energy for me in communicating. Even more specifically, I communicate to the collective my own understanding of meta-physical and universal concepts as I've come to organize the information in my head. 

I hope you find some use. 

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