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Emotional Healing - Not Resorting to Alcohol

I find that the lack of emotional education causes adults to turn to alcohol when they are faced with an uncomfortable emotion. A specific example of lack of education is the lack of knowing that emotions come and they go.

Tiredness, anger, guilt and regret are all emotions that feel terrible to have. But in feeling, allowing and giving attention or awareness to the emotion that arises, though for some moments hurts, will eventually heal, and cause the emotion to fade in a healthy and natural way. The common reaction is, “Ouch this emotion feels like shit, I need something outside of me(drugs, alcohol) to take the pain away.” Really what one needs is to focus with compassion on that feeling. Let it permeate the awareness, with a knowing that feeling, is healing. Much like applying pressure to a muscle knot, makes it disperse.

Without the acknowledgment and healing awareness of the emotion, it will linger and stay in your body forever. Eventually causing diseases. Let yourself feel, cry, and hurt. Having a guide, an energy healer or therapist is a great start if you’re new to emotional work. Society has never allowed emotions to have a place. They shame you if you have them. For men, they say you’re a pussy for having normal human experiences. For women, who biologically have more emotions, they call her crazy. I’m here as a confident ambassador for emotions and the healthy expression of them. You don’t want to lug around negative emotions/energy to someday cause you disease.

Here’s a guide for allowing an emotion to flow through and out of you.

Know that some emotions are thick and will take more than one sitting to alleviate/pass. And some will be resolved within a couple of minutes.

  1. Sit quietly in a safe place, eyes closed.

  2. Feel into your body while you take deep breaths.

  3. Allow your feelings and sensations to arise. Don’t judge or push them away. Welcome with compassion, as if you’re talking to a small child.

  4. There will be a dominant feeling that is ready to be moved.

  5. Give acknowledgment to the feeling, and start feeling deeper into it. I suggest saying hi, giving it a name, like “confusion” or “fear”. Keep the compassion running strong.

  6. Allow the sensation of this to be felt fully. Be aware that it is uncomfortable. Feeling fear, is fearful. Also understand, that all emotions are traveling energy so it will pass within a few minutes or strong feeling concentration.

  7. As you allow it to be fully realized in you, you succumb to the emotion and your body gets uncomfortable. You may want to cry or shout, and because you’re in a safe place, it’s encouraged that you express the emotion however it feels natural to you.

  8. Be with it.

  9. Soon it will let up. You will feel how it is literally passing and releasing it’s grip on you. You will feel lighter.

  10. For those big deep ones, you may feel instead of it passing, a need to let yourself out, after a few minutes. And that’s okay.

  11. Keep positive, compassionate talk with yourself and your emotions, when you’re done, give yourself a hug and be gentle with yourself.

  12. The more love and compassionate take, the better. That stuff (love) is the juice of life.

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About Author

My name is Savannah Jo Reeves

Writing is a constant for me. I have my throat center defined, in my human design body graph. This means there is a constant flow of energy for me in communicating. Even more specifically, I communicate to the collective my own understanding of meta-physical and universal concepts as I've come to organize the information in my head. 

I hope you find some use. 

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