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Emotional Release Example

Rainbow clouds and smoke background with the text Emotional Release Example
What is an example of an emotional release? Find out in this blog.

In the creation of my course, DIVINE ALIGNMENT, I shared an example of my own energy block that I coined as my life's Major Energy Block. A Major Energy Block is the largest energy block in one's life. It was chosen by you before incarnating here on Earth as a lesson for your soul to use to expand and grow. I shared that my block was within in throat chakra, and manifested all the way to TMJ and neck tightness.

After spending time on that lesson in the course, I found myself with some free time. I told myself I have the next 30 minutes to listen to my body, for the purpose of healing and releasing stagnant energy. With the time boundary of 30 minutes, my mind will relax enough instead of thinking of all the other things I could be doing.

So in a quiet room, I closed my eyes and brought my attention to my neck and jaw. The following story is what I experienced in my healing meditation.

I took one deep breath after the other and focused my awareness on the sensations of tightness in my neck and jaw. I was pressuring my body to communicate with me and was coming up against blocks. So I let off the pressure and went deeper in the just the feelings of my jaw and just my breathing.

One or two minutes later, I felt that my right ear was experiencing more sensation. I was just noticing a rise in sensation there. I let myself focus less on the other areas of my body and directly into my ear. I felt a whisper. A thought in my head that seemed to be coming from a different level of awareness. A level that was my physical body. My ear was communicating it's thoughts to me. She said, "I don't like hearing things that I don't like."

I was journaling before all of his started, so when I heard her short message, I jotted it down.

I was able to interpret what it meant fairly well. My ears are sensitive and loud noises really shake me up. In general I am a fairly sensitive person. Scary and evil things I have no time for. Listening to things that upset my energy isn't good for me. And I don't like to do it.

I responded to that whisper with an intentional message. I spoke to my whole body and said, I will not let you hear things that you don't like. To me, this means I will create more boundaries that don't include dark or scary things. And I will be more cautious with loud sounds. I will respect the body that I was given. One with sensitive ears and feelings.

I made my way through all of the areas of my neck and jaw, my other ear, behind my heart and finished with my root chakra. I received messages so aligned to my healing for this exact moment. If I had heard these messages from anyone else at any other time, they wouldn't have resonated.

This is an example of life, God, the Divine, doing the work for you. I was intune to myself energy, my thoughts and feelings. I was conscious and aware of energy with density. If I had kept ignoring that energy it would grow into more illness.

Now, I am glad that I wrote down each message. But, I don't expect to be changed overnight. My mind has received new enlightenment. My mind can now think thoughts in alignment with this healthy energy that my body and being is calling me towards. The more thinking in alignment, the more actions and real it will become in my reality.

The entire communication was a message for me to stop taking instructions from others, because I do things my own way. That yes, I am a sensitive being, of course! To trust myself and have my own back. To listen to my own intuition. And to love speaking my intuition and clarity. And enjoy my own expression of God through me.

My root chakra took me on a journey with my masculine energy. Where at the core I was terrified to be seen. Because if I was seen by masculinity, I would be physically hit or beat. So I shivered up and cowered in fear.

I said a prayer to but an end to that negative energy in all time, in the past and in the future. Immediately I saw myself stepping on the masculine energy. I was bigger than it. I told it, I am bigger than you. I was a big foot stepping on this negativity and ending it.

Then I prayed for the connection to Mother Earth. I connected through trees and a salt lamp sitting next to me. I sensed, with my eyes closed the Earth energy between me. At my root chakra. The place where energy enters my body. She spoke clearly to me.

"You were created by the divinity of Earth." I saw God's energy flowing through the planet. And being born as a creation of the Earth. Then I saw the energy of the divine from above flowing through me. I already know deeply that I've be created by God and am filled with God's energy made for me. I saw myself as good. I kept saying to myself, "I am good." To get past the feelings of inferiority from the negative energy prior.

I truly saw myself being made fully of the divine golden glow. And knew that I am a good being. Worthy of being seen without fear. I am good.


If you made it all the way here, I want to share that this experience was a gentle meditation with my body, my mind, my awareness and the divine. I saw and imagined it all with my mental and intuitive facilities of the mind.

Experiences like this are frequent in Reiki treatments. If you'd like to strengthen your relationship to your own soul, body, awareness, mind, nature and the divine.. then I welcome you to book a Reiki session with me.

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About Author

My name is Savannah Jo Reeves

Writing is a constant for me. I have my throat center defined, in my human design body graph. This means there is a constant flow of energy for me in communicating. Even more specifically, I communicate to the collective my own understanding of meta-physical and universal concepts as I've come to organize the information in my head. 

I hope you find some use. 

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