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Feel Emotions Deeper Before Menstruation

In the days before you start menstruating, you have a connection to deep and intense emotions. We know that if we don't take care of our SENSITIVE body in these days, by drinking water and no alcohol, resting, being alone and more, that we will experience PMS bitching. This is uncomfortable for ourself and the people around us.

We are feeling our emotions raw, pure and potent. That's why the little things feel bigger and deeper.

But, if you can keep the health practices pretty clean, you can experience the divine. You can feel love, beauty and your favorite emotion, to a deep, true and pure state. Yes, tears of joy, love, extacy will be present.

I just want to remind you that this love, this God, is ready and waiting each 30 days. To go to and feel the depths of emotions, to be on the edge of living. No drugs necessary.

Men can have this too. As men connect with women who are in their premenstrual phase and tune into them. Create a union where your energies are both felt. Without effort, when you are just in a room with a woman, you will feel her energy. Her emotions. Her lifeforce. And for those things, a man needs a woman. (bold statement).


Feel those depths of life. What makes us human, our consciousness experiencing in our human bodies emotion. Fucking feel those emotions. Go all the way in.

Deep Stare, Teary Eyed

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About Author

My name is Savannah Jo Reeves

Writing is a constant for me. I have my throat center defined, in my human design body graph. This means there is a constant flow of energy for me in communicating. Even more specifically, I communicate to the collective my own understanding of meta-physical and universal concepts as I've come to organize the information in my head. 

I hope you find some use. 

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