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Guided Meditation Where I Saw God

Drifting to bed I turned on a meditation on Youtube. 

She counted me down into relaxation and guided me deep into my higher and holier self. I would say into the healthy crown chakra. It went like this:

Going into my deep true self beyond my flesh and body to an inner light. I saw the light of god filled my entire body. It was so beautiful I cried. I also knew it was me. I felt so powerful and divine. It was a pink light. I was sitting cross legged. It seemed like there were other peoples energies surrounding me. 

She told me to go back in time and watch as it back into the space before birth. My spirit went back deeper. First I saw myself as a shooting star across the sky. I felt alone. That only my spirit was within the star light and there was nothing else around in the sky. 

I saw before that star was formed. I saw a nebula. Which if you don't know what that is, research. It is what a star is while it is forming. Gas and material in a big space pile until the forces and pressure molds it into a star as we know it. While my spirit was in this nebula, I realized that the various areas in the nebula were beings or the essence of my closest spiritual teachers and guides like Goddess Isis, Quan Yin and others. I started crying. Feeling the closeness and love that I have for them and realizing they really are a part of me. I came to feel that my loved ones were part of it too. Like my mother and brother. And that made me happy to know that when we die, they are still next to me. 

At this point, the meditation guide was talking about God/Universe. In my mind I asked and desired to see God. I was already seeing so much of my own soul. Then I saw. Here's what it looked like:

We are still in outer space, in the dark sky, in my nebula. On the left side of my vision screen and large opening of white light occured. It was as if God is in a dimension that we cannot perceive. But he put part of his existence in the space that we can perceive. And it looked like a big light. I knew that there was much beyond. An entire dimension. To grasp what I mean about dimension, think of basic math. The 1st dimension is a single dot. The 2nd dimension is a line. The 3rd dimension is a cube. We exist on this 3rd dimension. If we take it further, it expands however since we are on the 3rd dimension, our minds can't understand higher ones. We cannot see it. But in my vision, God showed the part of him that we could see on the 3D. 

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About Author

My name is Savannah Jo Reeves

Writing is a constant for me. I have my throat center defined, in my human design body graph. This means there is a constant flow of energy for me in communicating. Even more specifically, I communicate to the collective my own understanding of meta-physical and universal concepts as I've come to organize the information in my head. 

I hope you find some use. 

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