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Healing is a process of locating where you are blocking the divine to flow, and then allowing it to flow there.

When we were born we had the divine flowing through us at 100%

Throughout life on Earth (a place of duality/polarity) we were socialized to close down at certain places. To close down the flow of divinity in ourselves.

You shouldn’t blame your parents or guardians for doing this. It helped you survive the world in certain ways.

However, now that you’re an adult and you are in full control of your life, I think opening as much of yourself for the divine to flow through is a great way to life here on Earth.

There is darkness where we prevent the light from flowing. This darkness can turn to disease.

A simple way to start this process of allowing the light in places it’s been previously closed off too is with a simple prayer.

Whether to pray to God or the Universe/Source, we know it’s all the same thing, a beautiful source of loving energy that we and all of life came from, and that loves us completely.

Start the prayer with saying thank you for all the ways the divine energy is already flowing through you.

Then ask for the light of God to reach every place in your being. Let it shine in the dark places. Let it shine brightly and fully.

Sit in this invitation. Sit in this feeling.

Then when you’re ready to come out, say thank you from your heart. To be able to connect to such a loving energy.

And know that new areas have been blessed with the light of God/Divine. Have confidence in that with a simple prayer you shifted your energy.

You can add to your prayer, to let your unconscious darkness be known to you consciously.

In this way, you can start to expect realizations and revelations to be shown to you throughout your coming days.

Maybe it’s a limiting belief that you do a meditation to change. Maybe it’s a lesson from a book or course about how you live your life can shift for the better.

I think a huge part of spirituality is shedding light on the areas that we are unconscious to. Uncovering the darkness within and letting there be light and your true soul flowing through.


Have the most beautiful day, my dear reader. I hope you stay in my circle so I can continue to offer you love and peace. Be well, be full of love,


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About Author

My name is Savannah Jo Reeves

Writing is a constant for me. I have my throat center defined, in my human design body graph. This means there is a constant flow of energy for me in communicating. Even more specifically, I communicate to the collective my own understanding of meta-physical and universal concepts as I've come to organize the information in my head. 

I hope you find some use. 

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