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Love The One You're With

It is so easy to see the difference between yourself and someone else. It's easy too, to think that you are right and they are wrong when realizing there is a difference. I think there is a challenge of Love to see someone you are different from and bless them. To not find them wrong in anyway. To love them, for who they are.

This is something I am noticing. In many relationships in my current life situation, I notice the difference and desire to change them. I think if my dad changes his attitude or behavior then, I will feel better. You can copy that formula for many people in my life.

It's interesting with my partner relationship. I notice a difference and I am in the space of hoping I have the grace and love to be unconditional in my thoughts towards him and his "difference". I am noticing that being strong in my own self appreciation is important. I could use a little bit of medicine there. My boyfriend doesn't need to act like me, or act even in ways that I desire him to act for me to love him. For me to give him love. I don't think it would be called love if that was the condition that I held. I think unconsciously I have been holding that condition though. And for that I am sorry. Sorry, boo.

Instead of noticing a difference, and being annoyed. I desire to notice the difference and accept it as is. Without really giving it an emotion. It just is. He is he. If I give it an emotion, I want it to be acceptance. If this is challenging to myself or us, if you are doing this too, I suggest we offer some self love juice to our own minds when we are encountering irritation at someone else's differences. I feel like the world or people needs to drink that self love juice all day long.

We are all unique, we are all individuals who are different from each other. We all want to be seen and validated and appreciated in some way. Remembering that I am me, and you are you and we are different and that is special.

I think this topic would be a great topic for discussion. I think there is a lot to say and many avenues of ideas this could go to. I felt vulnerable sharing my "flaws" here. I hope you can see humanity in me, and humanity in yourself.

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About Author

My name is Savannah Jo Reeves

Writing is a constant for me. I have my throat center defined, in my human design body graph. This means there is a constant flow of energy for me in communicating. Even more specifically, I communicate to the collective my own understanding of meta-physical and universal concepts as I've come to organize the information in my head. 

I hope you find some use. 

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