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Mind/Emotion Connection in the Solar Plexus

Free Yourself From a Poisoned Solar Plexus

Deep in a negative emotional spiral, that I am expressing to my partner, I decide to focus in another way. I decide to engage my solar plexus in the positive way, feeling an emotion of confidence. I intend it strongly. With this new emotion of confidence, my previous vortex of problems have no connection, have no floor to exist. My inspired actions led to passionate love making that was reminiscent to the kind that was had in the beginning of the relationship.

It was great to have an escape from the negative emotions by engaging in the positive feelings of a healthy solar plexus. I came to the knowledge of choosing the light side of the solar plexus because I could identify the negative emotions stemming from the area. There was a strong negative emotional block in my stomach that was feeding my thoughts in a negative manner.

Empowering the positive solar plexus in me seems to be the answer that I have been longing for in my journey of self security and feelings of safety and approval for just being me in my intimate relationships.

How to tap into your healthy solar plexus:

  • Feel the stomach area, search for your solar plexus. If you have the conditioning that most women do in the world, (and maybe men too) you are likely to feel a clump of negativity in this area. Have love for it and don't contribute to the shame that has be accumulated. In the activity we are not going to go into this energy block. We are going to strengthen the healthy parts of the same area.

  • Search in your memory for a feeling of confidence and/or strength. Once you find it, know that this is your new basis for feeling in this area and for feeling in general.

  • Continue to intend your emotions to be based in this strong confidence.

  • Allow yourself to take actions based on this confident attraction point.

  • Stay with it for as long as you can. Days or hours later come back to it with compassion. Love your strong self. This may be hard to do, for we have been conditioned to feel bad for being strong. This activity is between you and you. You are allowed to feel strong, safe, confident. You are a great person, made of great things. Allow your light to shine. Allow this light to light up other healthy and positive areas that want to play and be light.

  • Give thanks for your confidence. Know that healing to the negative area will happen naturally when you give attention to your healthy aspects. We can dive deeper into the healing of that area later in the journey but right now it is about healing through the attention in the healthy.

  • Have fun, and have confidence. You rock.

The more I practice engaging in confidence when I am around my partner and father (the two closest men in my life) the more myself I can feel. Like I said before, this is a special key for me in my healing journey.

I believe the toxic masculinity that has seeped its way into my father and was parented at me, caused me to feel scared and ashamed of myself when I get close (on various levels) to a man. Because of early conditioning, I felt small and weak when interacting with men. I am a highly introspective person and because of this am aware of the areas that need some healing. Those areas of weakness and fear when close to a man are in need of healing. It is right for me to stand in my power. It is right for you to stand in your power. Engaging in conscious confidence practices your awareness of your power.

With love and the inspiration of sharing healing thoughts,

Savannah Jo

Closing Prayer

May all the women and men of the world, know and understand the power of their self power. How self power, based in love and health, can heal themselves and enable them to be and show up in the world as they were born to be. May all the power born out of women and men be of highest use to all beings everywhere and enable greater love to prosper and grow. May all things be well, and holy. Amen.

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About Author

My name is Savannah Jo Reeves

Writing is a constant for me. I have my throat center defined, in my human design body graph. This means there is a constant flow of energy for me in communicating. Even more specifically, I communicate to the collective my own understanding of meta-physical and universal concepts as I've come to organize the information in my head. 

I hope you find some use. 

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