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My Boundaries Story

Boundaries define what something is and what something is not. In this writing I am going to write my boundaries story to empower myself. If you're reading, I encourage you to write your own story to define yourself for the most empowerment you can get. Never define yourself to hold you back, but to show a light on who you are and how amazingly unique you are. You don't need definitions to make you whole, but this is one practice to basically tell yourself how great you are, if you're ever in disbelief. To remind you of what makes you special.

My boundary story:

I am a beautiful feminine woman. I have sensitive and soft energy. I have a big heart, strong intuition and lots of feminine juices flowing through me. I love educating myself and daydreaming. I am a designer and can create wonderful, loving and comfortable environments that make any feel like they just walked into heaven. I am a great wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. I have great balance and can harmonize life around me. I am insightful and can tap into a deep world of wisdom. My energy sensing skills are profound and my comprehension of emotion is vast. I am great with keeping plants alive and I love decorating. I love creating a brand and designing for it. Creating photoshoots and curating collections. I am great with relationships and chatting with others. I am a rester. I need lots of rest and retreat. I love spending days alone. I spoil myself with food and shopping at times. I dream and have confidence in my dreams coming true. I have a strong voice when it comes to prayer and writing. I am good and communicating a message. I understand the masculine energy and work to improve my relationship as a strong feminine energy being. I can connect with my higher self and God to embody a lot of light and love. I work toward the betterment of myself daily. I become more alive when I pray, meditate, dress up, swim and get in the sun.

I know the difference between what I am and what I am not. I write this so I can lean into all the things that I am good at. I write this so that I can empower myself in all the ways that make me, me. I know this is just a short list of what is within the boundaries of me.

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About Author

My name is Savannah Jo Reeves

Writing is a constant for me. I have my throat center defined, in my human design body graph. This means there is a constant flow of energy for me in communicating. Even more specifically, I communicate to the collective my own understanding of meta-physical and universal concepts as I've come to organize the information in my head. 

I hope you find some use. 

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