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My Little Girl Inside

In business and life relationships I'm realizing my inner child is holding me back. She is the one at the wheel when really she has no place there. Queen/Woman me is the part of myself that I want to be in control of things.

As I meditate into my little girl self and ask her what she wants, I feel inspired to share her answers with you.

It's easy. I want attention and affection. I want my hair brushed and to be told that I'm a good girl and that I'm beautiful. I want approval from my mom and dad. And to play, jump and be wild and crazy. I like feathers, glitter, lip gloss, animal print and hot pink. And I want to sing damnit! And dance.

A very decisive little girl I'd say. And it is exactly the same as how I was when I was 6, 8, 12, 16, and even 18. Okay it's also the same as 21 year old me 22, 23, 24, 25, and currently 26 year old me (in a month).

So now what?

I know that there is a very visceral and real part of me that feels like a Princess. Like a young & crazy & happy little girl.

Ps. Why is she the only one who gets to have the word happy attached? And in my adult self I feel that it's wrong to be happy. That it's too innocent and naive. That's an interesting note to be had.

In spirituality circles and in therapy schools of thought there's something called Individuation. Which is the process of seeing yourself as whole. Seeing all the parts of you and and saying, "that's me, all of it."

In this little girl conversation, I am ending it with, she is a part of me. She is me. She grew up to become me. She's not all of me. I also have Woman me. Queen me.

Going any further than just the acceptance and allowance to have many parts of me isn't necessary today. I am aware and I accept this Princess part of me. I don't have to get rid of her. I don't have to change her to the Queen. I have already developed the Queen in me as well. We are all one, Savannah Jo. Yet I can clearly see the different parts that make me complete.

So to end, I say "Hi Princess. I love you. I accept you. I think you are amazing and pretty and a good singer. I love you and everything is okay."

The more love and approval of ourself the better. Whatever is to come next in my evolution of the inner child will unfold naturally. And I will keep you in the loop.

I do want to add in an intention for my evolution. An intentito see come to life. That intention is this: I intend to live primarily out of my Queen self. To let my Goddess/Woman/Queen self interact with my family, run my businesses and be an inspiration to the world.

I know this intention will seed and grow and bloom in perfect timing. This is my trust in the Universe and my trust in Gods perfection that can see more than I can. I just pray and make intentions and have faith and receive. If you want to hear more about that, let me know.

As always, I hope my honest reflections can shed some light on your growth and personal evolution and healing.


& stay in touch.


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About Author

My name is Savannah Jo Reeves

Writing is a constant for me. I have my throat center defined, in my human design body graph. This means there is a constant flow of energy for me in communicating. Even more specifically, I communicate to the collective my own understanding of meta-physical and universal concepts as I've come to organize the information in my head. 

I hope you find some use. 

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