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New Moon in Pisces | Savannah's Heartbreak

First off, to the reader, I suggest watching an astrologer talk about this transit on YouTube to get a full grasp on the energies of this new moon in Pisces. The following is a journal blog share about my time with this current energy. 

A big wake up and push of energy in the air makes me feel helpless to the controls of life. Especially in the case of being broken up with. Is there anything that hurts a woman’s inner world harder? 

We met only 2 weeks ago but my heart fell in love with him immediately. I am grateful that I could at least feel such high joys with someone. I’ve dated for 2 years and had just low level excitement but not love. 

But, this man, is in the music industry and has baggage that will eventually be complicated for me. I made a poor decision the day we met and that decision is why this fella doesn’t want to see me anymore. Gut wrenching. 

It is crazy, because tomorrow I start a new job. A new career. Tomorrow is the first day of a new cycle. I have a lot of nerves starting this new journey. There will be sacrifices  but hopefully I can use this exertion of discipline to sculpt my health, finances and responsibility/maturation to an attractive place. 


This heartbreak hurts. I have been being present with my emotions and watching them rise and fall. I have been self soothing, telling myself “it’s okay hunny.” 

It was such a fast turnover. How could I literally be in love, and now I don’t get what I want. Now I don’t get him. I’ve definitely been crying.

The initial moments of this breakup, I felt my higher self say, this is okay. This is all part of a bigger process and everything will be okay. Back in 2020 when my last Love ended, and I was broken up with (can you believe it haha) I had a spiritual intervention from a higher spirit too. Kali, I think I wrote about it in this post here. She held me on that painful night and said, "this is meant to be" and I was able to get over it smoother.

RIP relationship of Savannah and Mario. And now RIP relationship of Savannah and David. 

Going forward I will experience all faces of being a woman and feeling her feelings. As much as I want to bypass anything uncomfortable, I will not. I will sit and be present with the pain and the joy. 

My goals for my romantic and husband relationship are really high and beautiful. And even though I loved this new boy and the feelings were there, the life I want wouldn’t be there. I trust my god, my higher self and the universe. I think this was a little kiss saying, get a taste of what this shit feels like, it is awesome! 

And now I am having to focus my energy on the good, on the next, on where and who I am destined to become and thus release attention to the old. I love myself, I nurture her in these confusing, complicated and uncomfortable times. And as a side note, I think I am going to explore celibacy, but I don’t know. I will at least read about it, haha. 

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About Author

My name is Savannah Jo Reeves

Writing is a constant for me. I have my throat center defined, in my human design body graph. This means there is a constant flow of energy for me in communicating. Even more specifically, I communicate to the collective my own understanding of meta-physical and universal concepts as I've come to organize the information in my head. 

I hope you find some use. 

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