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On Sovereignty

On Sovereignty..

On Sovereignty I have to say I desire to become. A sovereign person is one of themselves completely. They are whole, nothing they lack. There is a certain fragrance of divinity that comes with sovereignty as well. Being whole is living the way God created you. You were born from a perfect design and being in divine alignment to this design you grow into a sovereign being, true.

Common and ancient definitions of the word always include royalty, ruling, leader and possessing supreme power. To me, this is self power. A self power of being yourself completely.

Why do I care about Sovereignty? I care about becoming my divine design. I care about being the pencil in the hand of God. Living my purpose completely and fully. I understand I am human with all of the faults and errors of humanity, compared to divinity. Yet, I understand humans to be capable of opening themselves to the divine. I believe that God created us divine and that we can activate this divinity in our human vessels.

On Serenity..

On Serenity I have to say that I also desire thee. I desire to be in the flow of nature's perfection, in God's divine perfection that I understand each negative event to be part of the plan. That I can rest easy in a trust and love for the universe to such a degree that I see everything as beautiful. That I see everything as love. In this seeing of everything as love and beauty, and trusting in the peace of God, in this.. Is serenity.

How to become Sovereign?

Once again this is energetic sovereignty. Not British Monarchy.

My energetic recipe for self sovereignty is this:

  1. Know Yourself

  2. Know God

  3. Love Yourself

  4. Be Empowered

  5. Be Secure

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About Author

My name is Savannah Jo Reeves

Writing is a constant for me. I have my throat center defined, in my human design body graph. This means there is a constant flow of energy for me in communicating. Even more specifically, I communicate to the collective my own understanding of meta-physical and universal concepts as I've come to organize the information in my head. 

I hope you find some use. 

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