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Purpose of Relationships

In this post, I am going to speak on a single purpose that is relevant to my experience. This isn't so say that there is only one purpose.

When I am alone, I am able to practice honing my energy. I am able to see clearly my personal strengths and weaknesses. In this way, I can work on cultivating a consciously more aligned version of myself. In this way, I am working on bettering myself.

Let's say I come to fruition, I find a balance that I love about who I am and how I show up in the world. Bingo, no more work to do. Right? Or something like that.

There are teachings about acceptance of the self, as you are. Realizing you are already perfect, but that's a practice that I am an expert in, so I can't really speak on it.

Here's what I think a purpose of relationships are, having another energy to interact with, for your personal growth.

Interacting with my beautiful boyfriend, shows me many places that I haven't gotten to alignment in myself with. One common example is in the area of self-love. Sometimes, I feel demanding of attention and love, and unfortunately find myself unhappy that I am not receiving attention the way I want. This turns into a spiral of negative thinking, "are me and my boyfriend a good fit?" are the usual repetitive thoughts.

It's not until I come back to some alone time, meditate and re-center to a place of self-love that I can see clearly. It's not about receiving attention from him every second that I want it. It's about working on my own self-love to keep me solid and fulfilled while I'm going about life, with or without other people around.

This experience is relevant for all of our relationships. Not just the special relationships. It touches on our own experiences in all kinds of way. With my parents, I am working on my independence, with men, I am working on my true voice.

I hope I shed some insight on a common shared life experience.

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About Author

My name is Savannah Jo Reeves

Writing is a constant for me. I have my throat center defined, in my human design body graph. This means there is a constant flow of energy for me in communicating. Even more specifically, I communicate to the collective my own understanding of meta-physical and universal concepts as I've come to organize the information in my head. 

I hope you find some use. 

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